
Poliisit eivät pidä parisuhdeväkivallan kierteen katkaisua osana työtään, selviää HEUNIn policy briefistä. Tänä vuonna julkaistussa pro gradu -työssä esiin tulleet näkemykset kertovat siitä, että parisuhde- ja lähisuhdeväkivallan dynamiikkaa käsittelevien opintojen tulisi olla osa poliisien peruskoulutusta.


Korruption seurantaan tarvitaan kokonaisvaltainen lähestymistapa ja tiedonkeruumalli. Näin todetaan Poliisiammattikorkeakoulun koordinoiman KORSI-tutkimushankkeen loppuraportissa. Hankkeessa selvitettiin Suomeen soveltuvia korruption seurannan menetelmiä ja indikaattoreita.


The new UNODC Issue Paper outlines different links between forced, abusive and exploitative marriage and human trafficking and shows the gendered nature of this underreported form of trafficking. Those women and girls who are affected by different forms of gender discrimination and harmful practices are particularly vulnerable to exploitation. Forced, child and sham marriages in certain cases were found to have links to all three elements of trafficking: act, means and purpose. However, few such cases come to the attention of the criminal justice authorities and even fewer lead to convictions.


HEUNI har under de senaste åren arbetat intensivt med att motverka människohandel och utnyttjandet i arbetslivet. Ur samarbetet med dels poliser och arbetsskydd, dels företag, har vi producerat två konkreta handböcker för att förbättra arbetet mot exploatering. Handböckerna finns tillgängliga på finska och engelska. På svenska finns två nya policy briefs, som sammanfattar innehållet i handböckerna.


In recent years, cases of labour trafficking and exploitation have been uncovered around the world, as well as in Europe in sectors such as construction, restaurants, cleaning and agriculture. Evidence suggests that labour exploitation is highly lucrative, but the risk of being apprehended is low. Perpetrators exploit their victims by making use of legal structures and practices to hide their activities from the authorities. Furthermore, labour trafficking and exploitation are often connected to the shadow economy and financial crimes. To tackle this problem, strengthened multidisciplinary cooperation, specialization and proactive measures are needed to make labour exploitation and trafficking a high-risk, low-profit crime.


In recent years, cases of labour trafficking and exploitation have been uncovered around the world, as well as in Europe in sectors such as construction, restaurants, cleaning and agriculture. Outsourcing of work or services through subcontractors/suppliers or use of temporary workers in flexible employment relationships heighten the risk of labour exploitation. The working conditions in lengthy subcontracting chains might be difficult for companies to uncover. Everything may seem legal on paper but in reality, exploited migrant workers might work long hours in poor conditions, which are below national standards, and they have little or no possibility to change their situation. At worst, the exploitation is so severe that it can amount to labour trafficking.


Viime vuosina työperäiseen ihmiskauppaan ja hyväksikäyttöön liittyviä tapauksia on paljastunut ympäri maailmaa – myös Euroopassa – esimerkiksi rakennus-, ravintola- ja siivousalalla sekä maataloudessa. Työn ulkoistaminen alihankkijoille ja tilapäisen työvoiman käyttö joustavissa työsuhteissa lisäävät hyväksikäytön riskiä. Yritysten voi olla vaikea valvoa työntekijöiden työoloja pitkissä alihankintaketjuissa. Paperilla kaikki voi näyttää lailliselta, mutta todellisuudessa hyväksikäytetyt ulkomaalaiset työntekijät saattavat tehdä pitkää päivää huonoissa, kansalliset standardit alittavissa oloissa, ja heidän mahdollisuutensa vaikuttaa tilanteeseen ovat vähäiset. Ulkomaalaisten työntekijöiden oikeuksien suojelemiseksi yrityksillä, poliiseilla ja valvontaviranomaisilla on velvollisuus puuttua työperäisen ihmiskaupan ja hyväksikäytön riskiin ja taata, että hyväksikäytettyjen työntekijöiden oikeussuoja toteutuu.


In recent years, cases of labour trafficking and exploitation have been uncovered around the world, as well as in Europe in sectors such as construction, restaurants, cleaning and agriculture. Outsourcing of work or services through subcontractors/suppliers or use of temporary workers in flexible employment relationships heighten the risk of labour exploitation. The working conditions in lengthy subcontracting chains might be difficult for companies to uncover. Everything may seem legal on paper but in reality, exploited migrant workers might work long hours in poor conditions, which are below national standards, and they have little or no possibility to change their situation. To protect the rights of migrant workers both businesses and law enforcement and inspection authorities have the responsibility to address the risk of labour trafficking and exploitation and ensure exploited workers have access to remedy.


Labour exploitation is a global problem. In many countries particularly people with migrant backgrounds are affected as offenders take advantage of their vulnerability and ignorance. The offenders not only cause suffering for the victims but also gain an unfair advantage over their competitors by disregarding laws and regulations. Furthermore, labour trafficking and exploitation are often connected to the shadow economy and financial crime. This means that the state loses tax money in the process.


"Kuuletteko minua?" on kysymys, jonka kuulemme nykyään lähes päivittäin erilaisissa etätyösovelluksissa. Kysymys on myös paljon syvällisempi muun muassa rikoksen uhrin näkökulmasta. Oikeudenkäynnin perusperiaatteisiin kuuluu asianosaisten kuuleminen. Rikoksen uhrien asemaa edistävät toimijat ovat vuosikausia pyrkineet saamaan uhrien äänen paremmin kuuluviin. Mutta, mitä se kuunteleminen oikeastaan on? Itse jouduin muuttamaan käsitystäni kuuntelemisesta, kun törmäsin vastikään itselleni uuteen tieteenalaan eli kuuntelemisen tutkimukseen. Tällä suhteellisen tuoreella tieteenalalla on mm. todettu, että kuunteleminen ei ole passiivista, vaan tärkeä osa vuorovaikutusta.


Työperäisen ihmiskaupan ja hyväksikäytön tunnistaminen ja tutkiminen on vaikeaa. Hyväksikäyttö voi piiloutua monimutkaisiin alihankintaketjuihin ja johtaa maasta toiseen, ja sitä harjoittavat rikolliset pyrkivät salaamaan toimintansa kaikin keinoin.


Today (6th of May 2020) HEUNI publishes two new publications as part of the EU-funded project ‘FLOW. Flows of illicit funds and victims of human trafficking: uncovering the complexities’. The publications are aimed at, but not limited to, companies of all sizes that use low-skilled migrant workers through outsourcing, subcontracting, and recruitment companies and labour intermediaries in risk sectors, e.g., construction, cleaning or catering services. Also, public procurement units working for states, municipalities and/or state enterprises will benefit from the contents of the publications.


HEUNIssa, kuten niin monessa muussakin työpaikassa, on siirrytty etätyöhön ja etäyhteydenpitoon. HEUNIn työstä merkittävä osa on verkostoitumista, sidosryhmien kanssa keskustelua ja koulutusta. Viime viikkoina olemme pohtineet, miten kaiken tämän voi toteuttaa vaikuttavasti etänä. Olemme itse pyrkineet oppimaan lyhyessä ajassa mahdollisimman paljon digitaalisen viestinnän keinoista ja työkaluista ja ottaneet myös eri työkaluja itse käyttöön. Itse osallistuin digifasilitoinnin valmennukseen ja jaan tässä kirjoituksessa muutamia oppimiani vinkkejä.


Erikoissuunnittelijamme Anniina Jokinen kirjoitti blogikirjoituksen Harmaa -sivustolle työperäisestä ihmiskaupasta ja sen linkeistä harmaaseen talouteen. HEUNI on tutkinut aihetta yli kymmenen vuotta useissa eri hankkeissa. Kyseessä on rakenteellinen ongelma, johon puuttuminen vaatii monialaista yhteistyötä ja resursseja.


Tutkimus ampuu alas pinttyneitä käsityksiä ihmiskaupasta ammattirikollisten organisoimana prostituutioon liittyvänä toimintana, jossa uhrit ovat aina nuoria naisia ja rikoksentekijät miehiä. Ihmiskauppa on myös paljon muuta, ilmenee Helsingin yliopiston väitöstutkimuksesta.


Into Kustannukselta ilmestyi alkuvuodesta kirja Me ja Ne – Välineitä vastakkainasettelujen aikaan . Kirja kokoaa yhteen teoriaan ja käytäntöön perustuvia havaintoja siitä, mitä pitää osata tunnistaa ja millaisia kykyjä tarvitsemme, jotta voimme vastata tämän päivän polttaviin yhteiskunnallisiin haasteisiin: yhteiskunnan polarisoitumiseen, kuplaantumiseen, kärjistyneeseen keskusteluilmapiiriin, vihaan ja väestöryhmien välisiin konflikteihin. Kirjan on kirjoittanut joukko konfliktinratkaisun ja sovittelun ammattilaisia. Kirjassa on mukana myös kirjoittamani tapauskuvaus väestöryhmien välisen konfliktin sovittelusta.


Perspektiv. Utnyttjande av utländska arbetare är ett strukturellt problem som staten indirekt eller direkt tillåter. Det hävdar Natalia Ollus, direktör för Europeiska institutet för kriminalpolitik.


Riski joutua Euroopassa uudelleen uhriksi on suuri, jos on aiemmin kokenut kaltoinkohtelua, ilmenee UP-lehden näkemästä, vielä julkaisemattomasta tutkimuksesta.


Många av de kvinnor som söker asyl har varit utsatta för våld eller hot, och ibland fortsätter våldet också i det nya landet. Men trots att det i vissa fall kunde utgöra en asylgrund är det få som berättar. En orsak är gemensamma beslut för familjer.


YK:n yhteydessä toimiva Euroopan kriminaalipolitiikan instituutti (HEUNI) on itsenäinen tutkimus- ja kehittämisinstituutti oikeusministeriön hallinnonalalla. HEUNIn tutkimukset liittyvät kriminaalipolitiikkaan ja toiminnan avulla pyritään vaikuttamaan kansalliseen, eurooppalaiseen ja Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien kriminaalipolitiisiin käytäntöihin. HEUNIn päivittäisiä työkieliä ovat englanti ja suomi.


FIBSin ja HEUNin webinarin jälkeen tiedät mitä on työperäinen hyväksikäyttö ja ihmiskauppa, miten ne voivat vaikuttaa omaan yritykseesi.


Trafficking in children and young people exists even in the Nordic welfare states, according to a Swedish study published in 2018 and a Finnish study published in 2019.


Euroopan Kriminaalipolitiikan Instituutti HEUNI:n erikoissuunnittelija Anniina Jokisen mukaan suuri osa ihmiskaupasta on piilorikollisuutta, joka ei näy tilastoissa.


HEUNI’s director, Dr Natalia Ollus co-authored an article together with Dr Jon Davies (currently at the University of Tel Aviv) arguing that labour exploitation – and ultimately labour trafficking – can be framed as a form of corporate crime. The article was published in Crime, Law and Social Change . The article brings together empirical research in Finland and the UK. In the article, Natalia builds upon previous research carried out at HEUNI (see the FLEX and ADSTRINGO projects) as well as her PhD , which is among the first pieces of research presenting this argument.


A new article by HEUNI researcher Minna Viuhko has been published in the Nordic Journal of Criminology.


Ihmiskaupan uhriksi joutuneiden määrä on enemmän kuin kolminkertaistunut Suomessa vuodesta 2015, kertoo Euroopan neuvoston ihmiskaupan vastaisen toiminnan asiantuntijaryhmän (GRETA) raportti . (HS 5.6.2019)


The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI) together with the Government of Finland and the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime, Justice Section hosted a side event entitled "Prison Radicalisation: addressing the complexities" in conjunction with the 28th session of the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Vienna.


The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI) is one of the partner countries in the international FAIR project, which was launched in 2017. Consequently, HEUNI has mapped out the views and training needs of the Finnish prison personnel as well as promising practices for the prevention of violent radicalisation and extremism in Finnish prisons.


Across the member states of the European Union, asylum seekers 1 have varying degrees of access to labour markets. The EU Reception Conditions Directive (2013/33/EU) stipulates that access to lawful employment opportunities must be granted to asylum seekers no later than nine months after deposing their claim; however, the exact transposition and implementation of this directive is at each member state’s discretion.


Seksuaalista hyväksikäyttöä, rikollisuuteen pakottamista ja pakkoavioliittoja. Näitä kaikkia ihmiskaupan muotoja Suomessa olevat lapset ja nuoret ovat kohdanneet, selviää 21.3.2019 julkaistusta Ihmiskaupan uhrien auttamisjärjestelmän ja Euroopan kriminaalipolitiikan instituutin (HEUNI) tekemästä selvityksestä lapsiin ja nuoriin kohdistuvasta ihmiskaupasta Suomessa. Selvitys pohjautuu lasten ja nuorten kanssa toimiville asiantuntijoille lähetettyyn kyselyyn, asiantuntijahaastatteluihin sekä viranomaistilastoihin.


The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) has launched the TRAM-project assessment report “Trafficking along Migration Routes to Europe Bridging the Gap between Migration, Asylum and Anti-Trafficking" .


HEUNI facilitated a two-day training on trafficking in human beings in July in Athens as part of the EC funded CCM-GBV project tackling gender-based violence of refugee women.


The collection and analysis of crime statistics is one of HEUNI’s key areas of focus. A new article by Dr Markku Heiskanen, the former senior researcher at HEUNI, written in collaboration with Professor Beata Gruszczynska (University of Warsaw) provides an overview of European crime trends in 2000-2011, based on an analysis of the average annual change in homicide, assault, rape, burglary, car theft, robbery, and drug offenses. This study explores the trends in police-recorded crimes in Europe and in individual countries. The offender characteristics such as gender and the age of perpetrators are also considered.


In line with the European Commission's year focused on actions to combat violence against women , the project "Co-creating a Counselling Method for refugee women Gender-Based Violence victims" (CCM-GBV) (01/11/2017 - 31/10/2019) has received a project grant under the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).


Natalia Ollus and Anniina Jokinen are contributors to the recently published “Routledge Handbook of Human Trafficking" edited by Ryszard Piotrowicz, Conny Rijken, Baerbel Heide Uhl. The chapter named “Exploitation of Migrant Workers and Trafficking in Human Beings: A Nexus of the Demand by Employers, Workers and Consumers" written by Ollus and Jokinen is focusing on the concept of demand in the context of labour exploitation and trafficking in Finland.


HEUNI has released a new web-publication, “The costs of assisting victims of trafficking in human beings: a pilot study of services provided in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania", which is now available online.


HEUNI, as part of an European consortium, has received funding from the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) for a project titled "Co-creating a Counselling Method for Refugee Women GBV Victims". The overall objective of the project is to inform and support refugee women who have been victims of gender based violence and to improve their access to services. The project started in November 2017 and continues until 2019.


The Government of Finland has appointed Natalia Ollus as the Director of the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI) as of the beginning of 2018. The Director’s term of office is three years.


A new article by HEUNI researcher Minna Viuhko is published in the International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice.


The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the UN (HEUNI) and the Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology (NSfK) invite participants to a seminar on the exploitation of undocumented migrants in Europe with a focus on the Nordic Countries. The seminar takes place in Helsinki on 12-13 April, 2018. The travel costs of participants will be covered by the organizers.


Yhteiskuntavastuun toteutuksella ja raportoinnilla on yhä merkittävämpi rooli suomalaisissa yrityksissä. Tulevassa kokouksessa keskitytään sosiaaliseen vastuuseen ja yritysten asiantuntijoilla on mahdollisuus kommentoida Suomen kontekstiin räätälöityä opasta, joka sisältää lyhyet ohjeet yrityksille työperäisen hyväksikäytön riskeistä sekä siitä, miten välttää joutumasta osalliseksi tällaisiin tapauksiin. Opas julkaistaan keväällä 2018.


"In 2011 we at HEUNI were just about to launch our first major report on labour trafficking and the exploitation of migrant workers in the Baltic Sea region and I had become passionately interested in the topic. In my annual performance appraisal at work, my boss at the time, Kauko Aromaa, suggested to me that I do a PhD on this issue since it was something that I was interested in, and which I already knew a lot about. I thus embarked on a process which has taught me many things not only about trafficking and academic research, but also about myself."


HEUNI:n asiantuntijat ovat antaneet lausunnon sisäministeriölle ihmiskaupan vastaisen toiminnan koordinaatiosta.


An article by Suvi Virtanen, a research trainee at HEUNI, has been publishes in Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. The article “Fear of Cybercrime in Europe: Examining the Effects of Victimization and Vulnerabilities" examines the relations of social and physical vulnerabilities and victimization experiences and fear of online crime using Eurobarometer survey data. Overall, the results of the study indicate that social and physical vulnerabilities as well as victimization have direct and indirect effects on fear of cybercrime, just as with traditional place-based crimes.


Kansallisena ihmiskaupparaportoijana toimiva yhdenvertaisuusvaltuutettu ja Euroopan kriminaalipolitiikan instituutti (HEUNI) selvittävät miten hyvin ihmiskaupan uhrien auttamista koskeva lainsäädäntö toimii. Ihmiskaupan uhrien aseman parantaminen edesauttaa tekijöiden saattamista rikosvastuuseen ja edesauttaa myös ihmiskaupan ehkäisemistä. Selvitys tehdään valtioneuvoston myöntämällä rahoituksella (Valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan määrärahoista, VN TEAS).


Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien yhteydessä toimivan Euroopan kriminaalipolitiikan instituutissa (HEUNI) on haettavana johtajan virka ID 25-338-2017


Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien yhteydessä toimivan Euroopan kriminaalipolitiikan instituutissa (HEUNI) on haettavana erikoissuunnittelijan virka ID 25-218-2017


A research, published in HEUNI report series, by Michael Jandl analyses in depth the process that led to the adaptation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The insightful research explains in details the consultation process, involving hundreds of global, regional and national consultation and written submissions, that shaped the final setting of the 17 global goals. After giving the reader an understanding on the width of the debate surrounding the setting of global targets, Jandl zooms in to the indicators measuring the progress towards these goals, in particular those related to rule of law.


HEUNI järjestää asiantuntijakokouksen 4. huhtikuuta 2017 klo 9:00-11:30 Helsingissä yritysten yhteiskuntavastuukysymyksistä kuten mahdollisuuksista torjua työvoiman hyväksikäyttöä Suomessa, erityisesti alihankintaketjuissa. Esittelemme Tanskassa yritysten aloitteesta laadittua ohjeistusta hyväksikäyttöön puuttumiseksi, ja keskustelemme ohjeistuksen soveltuvuudesta Suomessa. Asiantuntijakokouksen keskustelut luovat mahdollisuuden vahvistaa yrityksesi yhteiskuntavastuuta sekä alihankintaketjujen riskien hallintaa. Tulkaa mukaan!


HEUNI is looking for a communication trainee to assist HEUNI in its task of dissemination of evidence-based information on crime prevention and control. The trainee will take active part in the development of HEUNI's communication strategy and tools (webpage, social media, policy briefs, visualization of data, etc). A keen interest in research communication and in the development of impact oriented communication materials are needed for successfully completing the traineeship. Skills related to visualization of data are especially appreciated. HEUNI's official working languages are Finnish and English. Knowledge of Finnish is not mandatory. Other languages are an asset.


HEUNI has a very broad mandate, and a large geographical area to serve. This requires the adoption of a strategic approach to ensure that HEUNI’s resources can best be leveraged to achieve its objective. The strategy was jointly drafted with the HEUNI Advisory Board. The new strategy draws from HEUNI’s accomplishments and current expertise as well as responds to latest developments and trends in the field of crime prevention and control in Europe. In HEUNI we believe that a strategy is a tool to work towards our goals, but also that a strategy should be a living document that changes as we go about to reach our goals.


HEUNI has released a new web-publication, “Crime and Gender – A study on how men and women are represented in international crime statistics", which is now available online from HEUNI’s website. HEUNI has a long history of working together with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in analysing statistics collected by the UNODC through the dedicated questionnaire known as the Crime Trend Survey (UN-CTS). (For more information, see the selected HEUNI publications linked below.) This new publication is one of the latest endeavors of HEUNI to provide statistical information on the development and current situation of crime, based on the data collected by the UNODC.


The biannual Global Report on Trafficking in Persons was released on 21st of December by UNODC. The report highlights trends that have also been visible in HEUNI’s work during the past year: an increasing amount of men trafficked for labour exploitation and new emerging forms of trafficking such as exploitative sham marriages. The report also notes that cross-border trafficking flows have links with current immigration flows. The European immigration situation will also highlight HEUNI’s work in 2017.


In recent years, concern over sham marriages as a form of exploitation in human trafficking has increased in Europe. A research report, published by HEUNI in October 2016, sheds light on the links between trafficking in human beings and sham marriages that include exploitation of persons. This policy brief summarizes the findings of the report and gives policy recommendations.


HEUNI Senior Researcher Markku Heiskanen has contributed to a project that developed a measurement framework for violence. The framework addresses the best way to conceptualise and define violence and gender, the units of measurement that should be used, and how data should be collected. The work will be published in January 2017 by Policy Press, University of Bristol, under the title “The Concept and Measurement of Violence against Women and Men".


Inkeri Anttila was the first female professor of criminal law at the University of Helsinki and a former Minister of Justice. Her life achievements were commemorated at the University of Helsinki on 23 November 2016 by a seminar which featured the 11th Inkeri Anttila Honour Lecture. The lecture was presented by Professor Miklós Lévay, Chairman of the HEUNI Advisory Board, and entitled “Life Imprisonment without Parole and Human Rights".


The doctoral dissertation of HEUNI's Senior Programme Officer Natalia Ollus, Turku University, Faculty of Law, reveals that the exploitation of migrant workers in the Finnish labour market is structural. More serious forms of exploitation, such as trafficking, are born out of the overall misuse and exploitation of migrant workers. There is also inadequate control and sanctions against these types of crimes. The research concludes that work-related exploitation should be defined as a form of corporate crime.


Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien yhteydessä toimivan Euroopan kriminaalipolitiikan instituutissa (HEUNI) on haettavana erikoistutkijan virka.


The United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network (PNI) consists of a number of interregional and regional institutes as well as specialized centres around the world, together with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. HEUNI is the European regional link in the network of institute. The PNI held a coordination meeting in Bangkok on 8 November, back-to-back with the first ASEAN Conference on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. As was the case with previous UN Crime Congresses, the PNI is actively involved in the preparations for the 14th UN Crime Congress, to be held in Japan in 2020


HEUNI lausui 7.11.2016 sisäministeriön pyynnöstä ihmiskaupan uhrien auttamisjärjestelmää koskeneen lainsäädäntömuutoksen (389/2015, HE 266/2014) vaikutuksista. Lainmuutoksen tarkoituksena oli tehdä ihmiskaupan uhrien tunnistamisesta ja auttamisesta ennustettavampaa ja läpinäkyvämpää. HEUNI:n mukaan ihmiskaupan uhrien auttamisjärjestelmässä on edelleen yhdenvertaisuuteen, riippumattomuuteen ja harkinta-aikaan liittyviä ongelmia.


The transnational project “Preventing human trafficking and sham marriages" (HESTIA), conducted under the European Union programme “Prevention of and Fight against Crime", is the first systematic research on the phenomenon of exploitative sham marriages. The research, published by HEUNI, sought to shed light on a recently identified form of trafficking in human beings which is related to the organisation of sham marriages and the subsequent exploitation of persons. The research primarily utilised qualitative methods, such as expert and victim interviews in combination with statistical information, and it was carried out in Estonia, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania and the Slovak Republic.


The first training of a series of trainings by HEUNI and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) addressing human trafficking in the Baltic Sea was concluded last week. The aim of the trainings is to increase the awareness of passenger ferry staff on human trafficking and smuggling of migrants.


A report exploring the links between sham marriages and human trafficking will be launched on the 21st of October in Riga by the HESTIA project. The report is titled “Exploitative Sham Marriages: Exploring the Links between Human Trafficking and Sham Marriages in Estonia, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia". The report will be published in the HEUNI report series and can be downloaded from the HEUNI webpage on Friday 21st of October at 12 pm.


Ms. Inka Lilja joined HEUNI’s team of experts as of the beginning of October. Ms. Lilja has a degree in law with a major in criminal justice. She says that she has always been fascinated by the socio-cultural context and moral aspects of criminal justice, and is therefore inspired by the humane criminal justice spirit reflected in HEUNI’s work.


HEUNI and the UNODC are conducting a joint research project utilizing data from the UN Crime Trend Surveys. The project examines global crime trends, with gender as the focus of analysis.


Euroopan kriminaalipolitiikan instituutti (HEUNI) on nyt julkaissut suomenkielisen ohjeistuksen työperäisen ihmiskaupan ennaltaehkäisemiseksi. Ohjeistuksen tarkoituksena on nostaa esiin keinoja, joilla eri toimijat voivat entistä paremmin puuttua ulkomaalaisten työntekijöiden kohtaamiin työperäisen hyväksikäytön muotoihin ja ihmiskauppaan Itämeren maiden alueella.


Guidelines to prevent abusive recruitment, exploitative employment and trafficking of migrant workers in the Baltic Sea region are now available in English as well as in Finnish, Estonian, Lithuanian and Swedish. The Guidelines address the problems and issues identified in the research component and in national meetings and include a large variety of measures to prevent and address labour exploitation and trafficking. They provide a framework that allows national stakeholders to select, develop or strengthen a number of preventative policies to address exploitation that arises in the recruitment and employment of migrant labour in the Baltic Sea region.


How do the police deal with crime throughout Europe? What decisions are taken by the prosecution services? How many offenders are convicted and how are they sentenced? What proportion of offenders are male, and what proportion are female? How many minors and foreigners are dealt with by the criminal justice system? How many police officers and prosecutors are there in a given country? How many prisoners are held in European prisons? How many of them are in pre-trial detention? How widely are community sanctions and measures used? What kind of work do the probation agencies do? What can we learn from victimization surveys?


The research was carried with the contribution of many experts from the European Sourcebook (ESB) group together with the Confederation of European Probation (CEP). Furthermore, the network of national correspondents from European countries were utilized. Financial support was received from the Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme of the European Union, European Commission.


HEUNI has launched Guidelines to Prevent Abusive Recruitment, Exploitative Employment and Trafficking of Migrant Workers in the Baltic Sea Region. The Guidelines report is the culmination of the ADSTRINGO project and it aims to address and tackle the different forms of exploitation and trafficking of migrant workers in the Baltic Sea Region that were identified as problematic in the joint ADSTRINGO research report “Exploitation of Migrant Workers in Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Lithuania - Uncovering the Links between Recruitment, Irregular Employment Practices and Labour Trafficking" as well as during national ADSTRINGO expert meetings in 11 countries in the Baltic Sea region.


The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs took into use an online service where anyone who suspects abuse and other suspicious behaviour can go and press the “corruption button". HEUNI was present in the launch where Minister Haavisto introduced how the service operates and what other ways there are to increase transparency regarding development cooperation.


HEUNI and UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons Unit organised a side event on Prevention of Labour Trafficking and Exploitation of Migrant Workers during the 23rd Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Vienna on 13 May 2014. The side event focused on presenting the ADSTRINGO project and its results on preventing exploitation and trafficking of workers in the Baltic Sea region.


The second ADSTRINGO Expert Consultation Meeting was organised in Vilnius, Lithuania on 12-13 March 2014. The meeting was a continuation of the previous ADSTRINGO expert meeting which was organised in Stockholm in December 2013 to discuss prevention of labour exploitation in the Baltic Sea region.


Adstringo conference is organised in connection of the 7th EU Anti-Trafficking Day on 17 October in Vilnius, Lithuania. The event is part of the Adstringo-project, which is implemented by HEUNI together with the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania and the University of Tartu in Estonia and the Council of the Baltic Sea States' Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings (CBSS TF-THB). A parallel project is being implemented in Russia and Poland by CBSS TF-THB.


Euroopan kriminaalipolitiikan instituutti (HEUNI), Suomen ammattiliittojen keskusjärjestö (SAK) ja vähemmistövaltuutetun/kansallisen ihmiskaupparaportoijan toimisto (VVT) järjestivät Ihmiskauppa suomalaisessa työelämässä -seminaarin 3.−4.2.2011 Helsingissä. Seminaarin tarkoituksena oli lisätä tietoisuutta työperäisestä ihmiskaupasta ja siihen liittyvistä hyväksikäyttöilmiöistä Suomessa ja avata aiheeseen uusia näkökulmia.

Published 13.10.2013