The United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network (PNI) meeting in Japan

The autumn co-ordination meeting of the PNI network was held in Tokyo, Japan, on 12-13 December. Due to time constraints – and as a means of reducing carbon emissions which would have resulted from the travelling – HEUNI’s director participated in the meeting through Skype, sitting at the HEUNI office in Helsinki. The aim of the PNI meeting was to update each other about each partners’ progress, the plan for the 12th UN Crime Congress (taking place in Kyoto in May 2020), and to discuss the PNI input for the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, to be held in Vienna in May 2019.
HEUNI had prepared a visual presentation of its activities and thoughts regarding the role of the PNIs vis-à-vis the UN Crime Programme. The presentation resulted in a lively discussion and new ideas regarding the PNIs, including suggestions to strengthen the concrete collaboration with UNODC. The global research conducted by HEUNI in collaboration with UNODC about the links between trafficking and marriage, is an example of such cooperation.
As an institute in the UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network (PNI ) HEUNI promotes the international exchange of information on crime prevention and control, conducts research and develops training materials on the subjects.
This year we launched an online course on Participating in the UN Crime Programme meetings. For this course, HEUNI developed online training material combining in-depth knowledge on how to influence the international crime policy agenda and practical tips on diplomacy tactics, including how to make oral and written statements. The core substance of the course draws from Dr Matti Joutsen’s vast experience with the UN negotiations and HEUNI’s expertise in shaping policy since 1981.
The material includes texts, videos, infographics and quizzes and it’s fully open access. Try it out: