WEBINAR INVITATION FOR BUSINESSES – 26th November 2020: Prevention of Labour Exploitation and Human Trafficking in Local Subcontracting Chains

In recent years, cases of labour trafficking and exploitation have been uncovered around the world, as well as in Europe in sectors such as construction, restaurants, cleaning and agriculture. Outsourcing of work or services through subcontractors/suppliers or use of temporary workers in flexible employment relationships heighten the risk of labour exploitation. The working conditions in lengthy subcontracting chains might be difficult for companies to uncover. Everything may seem legal on paper but in reality, exploited migrant workers might work long hours in poor conditions, which are below national standards, and they have little or no possibility to change their situation. At worst, the exploitation is so severe that it can amount to labour trafficking.
New tools have been developed as part of the EU ISFP-funded FLOW-project by the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI) based in Helsinki, Finland, the Center for the Study of Democracy from Bulgaria, University of Tartu from Estonia and the Ministry of the Interior of Latvia. The FLOW-toolkit outlines five practical measures to enhance the capacity of businesses to prevent labour exploitation. HEUNI and partners are organising a webinar to present the toolkit and discuss the role of businesses in the prevention of labour exploitation with proactive business representatives and international guest speakers (see draft programme below).
The webinar is especially targeted to representatives from companies of all sizes that use low-skilled migrant workers through outsourcing, subcontracting, and recruitment companies and labour intermediaries in risk sectors such as construction, cleaning or catering services. We also welcome others interested in these topics and in the role of business in tackling labour exploitation.
The event is held in English and will take place online from 10:00- 12:00 CET on 26th November 2020. The link to the event will be sent to attendees later. Please register for the event at the following link
More information about the FLOW-project
Draft programme
9:45 CET Online coffee and testing the connection
10:00 Opening of the event – Senior Programme Officer Anniina Jokinen, HEUNI
10:10 Keynote: Programme Manager Neill Wilkins, UK, Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB)
10:30 Presentation of the FLOW Toolkit for Businesses – Researcher Anni Lietonen, HEUNI
10:45 Good practices from cleaning and construction sectors in Finland
Aino Aho, Helsinki Cooperative Society Elanto (HOK-Elanto cleaning procurement)
Anne-Maria Flanagan, SRV (construction sector)
11:15 Panel discussion with international guest speakers:
Claire Methven O’Brien - strategic adviser, Danish Institute for Human Rights
Ruben Brugnera – journalist
Linda Šedlere – SCHWENK Latvija
Guest speaker from Estonia (TBC)
11:45-12:00 Discussion and questions
Closing of the event