ADSTRINGO Side Event organised in Vienna during 23rd session of CCPCJ
HEUNI and UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons Unit organised a side event on Prevention of Labour Trafficking and Exploitation of Migrant Workers during the 23rd Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Vienna on 13 May 2014. The side event focused on presenting the ADSTRINGO project and its results on preventing exploitation and trafficking of workers in the Baltic Sea region.
The event was opened by Kristiina Kangaspunta from UNODC who discussed the trends in labour trafficking cases and emphasised the importance of effective prevention efforts. Anniina Jokinen from HEUNI presented on the activities of the ADSTRINGO project and results from a study on exploitation and trafficking of workers in Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Lithuania. Liliana Sorrentino introduced the guidelines to prevent abusive recruitment, exploitative employment and trafficking of migrant workers in the Baltic Sea region which have been developed within the framework of ADSTRINGO. The guidelines will come out in June 2014 in English. Finally, Anna Ekstedt from Council of Baltic Sea States Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings (TF-THB) discussed the outcomes of ADSTRINGO and the regional prevention efforts and presented results from parallel project in Poland and Russian Federation.