HEUNI is involved in organizing two side events at the 26th Session of the CCPCJ in Vienna next week!
Published 18.5.2017
On Monday 22 May 2017 at 2.20 PM (Conference Room 6) the side event titled “No dance on roses: Marriage and human trafficking" organized by the Government of Finland, the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI) and the UNODC Crime Research Section, discusses newly identified forms of human trafficking, and particularly exploitation related to marriages. At the side event HEUNI researcher presents findings from the HESTIA project, which focused on a newly identified form of exploitation taking place in connection with sham marriages, in particular the links between trafficking and sham marriages. Then, UNODC representatives widen the perspective to global trends in marriages and human trafficking.
On Tuesday 23 May 2017 at 9-9-50 AM (Conference room M6) the side event “Countering human trafficking through Private Sector Involvement" organized by HEUNI, the Governments of Denmark and Finland and OSCE, discusses private sector role and engagement in countering human trafficking. Findings from research projects related to the topic, as well as good practices are presented.