Two new publications: "Navigating through your supply chain – Toolkit for prevention of labour exploitation and trafficking" and "Normative Framework Guide - Responsibility of Businesses Concerning Human Rights, Labour Exploitation and Human Trafficking"

Today (6th of May 2020) HEUNI publishes two new publications as part of the EU-funded project ‘FLOW. Flows of illicit funds and victims of human trafficking: uncovering the complexities’. The publications are aimed at, but not limited to, companies of all sizes that use low-skilled migrant workers through outsourcing, subcontracting, and recruitment companies and labour intermediaries in risk sectors, e.g., construction, cleaning or catering services. Also, public procurement units working for states, municipalities and/or state enterprises will benefit from the contents of the publications.
Responsible businesses should take steps to strengthen their role in regulating the labour supply and recognising the signs of labour exploitation. "Navigating through your supply chain – Toolkit" is for proactive companies who want to safeguard migrant workers' rights and lower the risk of being involved in labour exploitation and human trafficking. The Toolkit includes five hands-on tools with a focus on the implementation of due diligence processes and it provides concrete measures to navigate and control complex supply chain networks especially in local, national and intra-European contexts. These measures include conducting a risk assessment, drafting an anti-trafficking strategy, screening contractual partners, incorporating specific contractual clauses and organising workplace assessments. In the coming weeks and months, also Finnish, Bulgarian, Estonian and Latvian language versions will be published.
The Normative Framework Guide, is a complementary tool that summarizes the existing legal frameworks outlining companies’ human rights responsibilities with a focus on labour exploitation and trafficking. Together these publications provide a comprehensive information package on labour exploitation and human trafficking. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in collaborating with HEUNI to address labour exploitation and trafficking in the form of, e.g., training, webinars, workshops etc.
These publications are a continuation of HEUNI’s previous research related to labour exploitation. See especially the: Guidelines for businesses and employers for risk management in subcontracting chains (also available in Finnish and Swedish).