Report Series 93a: Navigating through your supply chain. Toolkit for prevention of labour exploitation and trafficking.
Anni Lietonen, Anniina Jokinen and Natalia Ollus. Helsinki 2020.
ISBN 978-952-7249-21-5 (paperback), ISBN 978-952-7249-22-2 (PDF), ISSN 1799-5590, ISSN-L 1237-4741 (58 pages)

"Navigating through your supply chain – Toolkit" is for proactive companies who want to safeguard migrant workers' rights and lower the risk of being involved in labour exploitation and human trafficking. The Toolkit includes five hands-on tools with a focus on the implementation of due diligence processes and it provides concrete measures to navigate and control complex supply chain networks especially in local, national and intra-European contexts. These measures include conducting a risk assessment, drafting an anti-trafficking strategy, screening contractual partners, incorporating specific contractual clauses and organising workplace assessments.
"The Normative Framework Guide" (HEUNI Publications Series No. 94) is a complementary tool that summarizes the existing legal frameworks outlining companies’ human rights responsibilities with a focus on labour exploitation and trafficking.
Published as part of the European Commission funded project