European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics 2014 published

Published 11.9.2014

How do the police deal with crime throughout Europe? What decisions are taken by the prosecution services? How many offenders are convicted and how are they sentenced? What proportion of offenders are male, and what proportion are female? How many minors and foreigners are dealt with by the criminal justice system? How many police officers and prosecutors are there in a given country? How many prisoners are held in European prisons? How many of them are in pre-trial detention? How widely are community sanctions and measures used? What kind of work do the probation agencies do? What can we learn from victimization surveys?

The fifth edition of the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics contains data for 41 European countries, covering developments from 2007 to 2011. This is the most comprehensive collection of data available on crime and criminal justice in Europe.

The Sourcebook provides accurate and validated national data, but most of all helps in understanding how the European criminal justice systems work. The data are supplemented by extensive notes that explain differences in the definition of offences and of penal measures, as well as differences in recording practice. These notes help the reader to understand the possible limitations to the comparability of the data.


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