WEBINAR INVITATION – 4th DECEMBER 2020: Uncovering and Investigating Labour Trafficking – Strenghtening Multidisciplinary Cooperation

In recent years, cases of labour trafficking and exploitation have been uncovered around the world, as well as in Europe in sectors such as construction, restaurants, cleaning and agriculture. Evidence suggests that labour exploitation is highly lucrative, but the risk of being apprehended is low. Perpetrators exploit their victims by making use of legal structures and practices to hide their activities from the authorities. Furthermore, labour trafficking and exploitation are often connected to the shadow economy and financial crimes. To tackle this problem, strengthened multidisciplinary cooperation, specialization and proactive measures are needed to make labour exploitation and trafficking a high-risk, low-profit crime.
Join the webinar to hear more about the investigation tool developed by the EU ISFP-funded FLOW-project. The tool aims to increase awareness of labour exploitation and trafficking among key authorities, such as the police and labour inspectors. It was created by the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI) from Finland, the Center for the Study of Democracy from Bulgaria, University of Tartu from Estonia and the Ministry of the Interior of Latvia in close cooperation with national authorities.
Join us to learn more about how to detect and investigate trafficking, and to learn from European examples of multidisciplinary work in tackling labour trafficking. The webinar is especially targeted for representatives of the police, prosecution services, labour inspectorates, tax authorities, NGOs as well as policy makers and others.
The event is held in English and will take place online from 12:00- 14:00 CET on 4th of December 2020. The link to the event will be sent to attendees later. Please register for the event at the following link. More information about the FLOW-project.
Draft programme
11:45 CET Online coffee and testing the connection
12:00 Opening of the event and introduction to FLOW-project and its achievements – Senior Programme Officer Anniina Jokinen, HEUNI
12:20 Presentation of the FLOW Investigation tool – Detective Senior Sergeant Pekka Ylinen, Central Finland Police
Questions and comments
12.30 International examples on innovative work tackling labour exploitation
Director Peter Van Hauwermeiren, Anti-trafficking Unit, National Social Security Office, Belgium
Detective Superintendent Marius Martinsen, Møre and Romsdal police district, Norway
Senior Policy Advisor Pam Bowen, Crown Prosecution Service, UK
Questions and comments
13:15 Panel discussion moderated by Anniina Jokinen
Labour inspector Katja-Pia Jenu, Labour Inspectorate of Southern Finland
Chief Lawyer Liis Naaber-Kalm, Labour Inspectorate, Estonia
Chief State Inspector Baiba Pukukalne, State Labour Inspectorate, Latvia
Prosecutor Vladimir Nikolov, Regional Prosecutor's Office, Bulgaria
13:45-13:45 Discussion and questions
13:55-14:00 Concluding remarks, Director Natalia Ollus, HEUNI