Prevent violent radicalisation of inmates.
Promote disengagement.
Facilitate reintegration into society.
9 EU countries, 170 prison operators, 50 inmates, 162 stakeholders.
Project website and online consultation service: http://fair-project.eu/en/
FAIR addresses the problem of Islamic radicalisation with a special focus on the prison system. It attempts to:
(1) create an internal, prompt warning system, put into practice by the prison operators, that can detect radicalisation symptoms at an early stage, and
(2) elaborate an alternative model to traditional detention, one that includes disengagement and rehabilitation programmes for extremist detainees.
FAIR main objectives are:
- to prevent and deter the radicalisation and recruitment of European citizens and foreign citizens by terrorist groups affiliated to ISIS,
- to promote disengagement behaviours in radicalised individuals in prisons.
FAIR addresses and actively includes the following target groups through several activities:
- 170 PROFESSIONALS WORKING IN THE PRISON SYSTEM (penitentiary police, social assistance operators, healthcare operators, volunteers, religious representatives, lawyers) are included in the discussion groups and training programme for prison operators (WP4). The goal is to boost their competences and skills, and to set up the alert system to detect and monitor the radicalisation process inside the prison. The programme follows analyses of European best practices on measures to prevent and combat violent radicalisation, while also mapping prison operators’ needs (WP3). The programme is supported with two web tools: a web platform with useful resources and an online consultation service for prison operators. Both are disseminated via social networks and live events in 9 partner countries (WP2).
- 50 INMATES, either openly radicalised or vulnerable to extremist recruitment, are involved in the rehabilitation programme in 8 EU prisons (Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia).
- 162 STAKEHOLDERS, representatives from institutions and the judiciary system, are involved in disseminating the model of alternative detention centres for the rehabilitation of radicalised inmates (WP5). The goal is to reach agreements that allow for the concrete operational feasibility in prison systems.
FAIR combines 10 partners from 9 European countries. FAIR coordinator is Fondazione Nuovo Villaggio del Fanciullo (IT), which is experienced in NGO management, rehabilitation of people with addiction problems and their re-integration into the labour market. FNVF also does training, research, juvenile criminal justice mediation, autobiographical writing activities for inmates and supervision services for unaccompanied foreign minors. FNVF manages the FAIR project and leads the preparation of the model of alternative detention centres for the rehabilitation of radicalised inmates.
FAIR content development is provided by 3 research and educational institutions:
Arq Psychotrauma Expert Group (NL), a holding organisation for experts in psychotrauma, who provide a needs assessment among prison staff as well as analyses of European best practices on measures to prevent and combat violent radicalisation. In the FAIR project Arq together with The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations - HEUNI (FI), promote the international exchange of information on crime prevention and control. The third content partner is the University of Malta (MT) which, within their Prison Education and Re-entry Programme, closely cooperates with Corradino Correctional Facility and provides FAIR project discussion groups and training for prison operators.
Project content is deployed through the website, participatory web platform and online consultation service developed by EuroCoop, Institute for European Research and Development (SI). They have developed several IT solutions for vulnerable target groups, especially inmates and Roma. EuroCoop works in close cooperation with lead disseminator Social Innovation Fund – SIF (LT). SIF is a charity and support foundation with experience in reception centres for detainees outside of prison who are expert in psychological counselling for risk groups such as detainees and migrants.
The FAIR training programme and the web platform and consultation service are prototyped in 4 partner countries by:
• DARTKE (HU) who focus on social change and transformation in the South Great Plain Region of HU, and beyond, in close cooperation with the academic sphere to improve social conditions,
• The Trebnje Center for Education and Culture - CIK Trebnje (SI) who run educational programmes for adults and disadvantaged groups, especially inmates and Roma,
• The Center for Promoting Lifelong Learning - CPIP (RO) who focus on professional development for staff in prisons, teachers and social care professionals, and
• Associação Portuguesa Conversas de Psicologia - APCdP (PT) who have been implementing a soft-skills programme with inmates in Portuguese prisons to improve their lives within and outside prison walls.
FAIR project builds on the COLLECTION OF BEST PRACTICES (EN, FI, HU, IT, LT, MT, NL, PT, RO, SI) in Europe regarding the measures for prevention of Islamic radicalisation in prisons, and on the report of RISK INDICATORS (EN, FI, HU, IT, LT, MT, NL, PT, RO, SI) for detecting radicalised inmates and inmates at risk of radicalisation. The report details the elements, attitudes and behaviours useful in detecting inmates at risk.
The needs of detention centre operators in preventing and/or dealing with radicalisation are summed up in the REPORT ON ANALYSIS OF THE OPERATORS NEEDS (EN).
JOINT GUIDELINES (EN) gives guidelines for prison operators to follow when detecting and mapping the needs of prison operators working with inmates at risk of radicalisation.
PREVENTION AND REHABILITATION PROGRAMME (EN, FI, HU, IT, LT, MT, NL, PT, RO, SI) enables prison operators to prevent radicalisation of inmates, assists with disengagement from radicalisation and supports gradual transition towards inmate release.
Relevant supporting materials, gathered while preparing the above documents, are available on the FAIR WEB PLATFORM in 10 languages.
Round tables with stakeholders and decision makers are facilitated in all partner countries to depict the specific situation and needs in each national context. These are summed up in a JOINT DISCUSSION GROUPS REPORT (EN).
170 prison operators from 9 countries are included in the TRAINING PROGRAMME FOR PRISON OPERATORS (EN, FI, HU, IT, LT, MT, NL, PT, RO, SI) which builds capacity of operators related to the detection of radicalisation factors in prisons and improves their knowledge and skills.
ONLINE CONSULTATION SERVICE in all partner languages allows clarification and guidance to the newly trained operators.
The process is evaluated through the EVALUATION GRID (EN, FI, HU, IT, LT, MT, NL, PT, RO, SI) and the results are summed up in PROGRAMME FOR PRISON OPERATORS EVALUATION REPORT (EN, FI, HU, IT, LT, MT, NL, PT, RO, SI).
ALTERNATIVE DETENTION CENTRE FEASIBILITY STUDY (EN, HU, IT, LT, MT, NL, PT, RO) is implemented to investigate the benefits deriving from the creation of a centre to host radicalised offenders and inmates at risk of radicalisation after release. The centre will accompany them through a programme of disengagement and re-inclusion into society.
12 COUNTRY PROTOCOLS (EN, HU, IT, LT, MT, PT) with key institutions for the creation of the alternative detention centre are established in participating countries.
PILOT PREVENTION AND REHABILITATION PROGRAMME EVALUATION REPORT (EN, HU, IT, LT, MT, NL, PT, RO, SI), gathered using a joint methodology, serves to see the outcomes of the programme.
FAIR project addresses 10,000 citizens, 170 prison operators and 162 stakeholders through project website, Facebook and Linkedin profiles. It's based on a common VISIBILITY PACKAGE with project logo and visual layouts. PROJECT LEAFLETS (EN, FI, HU, IT, LT, MT, NL, PT, RO, SI) are available for a quick project overview.

Project coordinator:
Fondazione Nuovo Villaggio del Fanciullo
Via 56 Martiri, n79, 48124 Ravenna
T. +39 0544 603525
E. fair@villaggiofanciullo.org
W. www.villaggiofanciullo.org
More information on HEUNI’s part
Anniina Jokinen, Senior Programme Officer
E-mail: anniina.jokinen(at)om.fi
Tel: +358 50 351 7044