Trafficking of children and young people in Finland

Project information
HEUNI together with the National Assistance System for Victims of Human Trafficking set out to find out if trafficking of children and young people exist in Finland and if yes, how does the phenomenon manifest itself. In this study we were interested in describing the different forms of trafficking and related exploitation, as well as, risk and vulnerability factors which might expose children and young people to human trafficking or bring about circumstances which are conducive to their exploitation.
This study focused on the exploitation that took place both in Finland and abroad, but which was identified in Finland. In addition to minors also young people aged between 18 and 21 were selected as a target group, as many of those who have reached the age of majority have been victimised when they were underage but managed to get assistance only after coming of age. Turning 18 doesn’t remove the vulnerability of the young person, and they can be vulnerable because of their age as well.
This study was conducted as part of the IHME-project managed by the National Assistance System for Victims of Human Trafficking. IHME-project HAS received funding from the European Commission’s Internal Security Fund (ISF-P).
The report of the findings (in Finnish) was published on 21st of March 2019. English version of the report will be published later in spring 2019.
Project in media:
- Helsingin Sanomat (fin)
- Yle Uutiset (fin)
- Yle News (eng)
- Yle Svenska (swe)
- Iltalehti (fin)
- Kirko ja kaupunki (fin)
- Aamuset (fi)
- MTV Uutiset (fi)
- MTV Uutiset (fi)
- Foreigner (eng)
- Estonian online media
Contact information:
Natalia Ollus, Director, European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI), tel. +358 50 513 5987, email:
Veikko Mäkelä, Senior Adviser, assistance system for victims of human trafficking, tel. +358 295 430 431, email: