Developing a Methodology to Collect Data on Community Sanctions and Measures and Attrition Rates in Europe (DECODEUR) (2011-2014)

Background information

HEUNI staff has participated in the activities of the European Sourcebook Group in the project “Developing a Methodology to Collect Data on Community Sanctions and Measures and Attrition Rates in Europe" (DECODEUR). The purpose of the project is to improve and complement the standards developed so far for the definition and categorisation of community sanctions and measures on all levels of the criminal justice system. Data collection was carried out in 10 countries. The project will also study how attrition rates differ, comparing the identification of suspects and the imposition of sanctions and measures between the countries and juveniles vs. adults. The project is carried in cooperation with the European Sourcebook Group and the Conférence permanente Européenne de la Probation (CEP). It is financed by the European Commission.

Download the final report as a pdf-format by clicking the following link:

Report series no. 77. Recording Community Sanctions and Measures and Assessing Attrition.pdf (pdf, 1.28 Mt)

For more information:

Markku Heiskanen: markku.heiskanen(at)

Anni Lietonen: anni.lietonen(at)

Anniina Jokinen: anniina.jokinen(at)

Published 19.11.2019