Report series 28. Crime Prevention Strategies in Europe and North America

By John Graham and Trevor Bennett, London/Helsinki 1995 published jointly with the Home Office. ISBN 951-53-0178-5 (138 pages) (out of print). The scanned version available

The experience gained by many countries and communities in preventing and controlling such crimes is a rich source of inspiration for others. Crime prevention initiatives in one country can be considered for adaptation to a different set of local circumstances. Mr John Graham (Home Office) and Dr Trevor Bennett (Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge) have prepared a comprehensive account of crime prevention strategies that provides a detailed description of a wide range of such strategies throughout Europe and North America.

The publication is a considerably expanded version of the 1990 first edition, which quickly became out of print. The second edition has benefitted from recent discussions on how crime prevention should be defined and conceptualised. New material is also presented on different organisational structures for developing crime prevention policy at the national level. The book is divided into four main sections, on criminality prevention, situational crime prevention, community-based crime prevention, and the planning, implementation and evaluation of crime prevention initiatives.